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Heart diseases on a rise in India: 5 daily habits to keep heart health in check

Heart diseases are like little ticking bombs planted in every Indian heart, regardless of age as due to urbanisation in India, physical movement has decreased and the mental race has sky-rocketed. Less moving, more stressing – that’s the deal with high sugar and highly processed food only worsening the situation.
In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Bimal Chhajer, Senior Cardiologist, Former Consultant at AIIMS and Director at SAAOL Heart Centre in New Delhi, cautioned that it is an undeniable fact that the cases of heart diseases in India are on the extreme rise, which makes it extremely important to adopt such daily habits and practices that promote good heart health. He advised a few important daily habits that can help keep heart health in check:
Saurabh Bothra, CEO and Certified Yoga Instructor at Habuild assured that the ticking bomb of cardiovascular diseases in our hearts can be defused by keeping our heart health in check and suggested 5 daily habits that can make it happen –
It is possible to maintain a healthy heart by simply making the right lifestyle choices. In the end, it is all about cultivating healthier habits that keep heart diseases away.
